Estrela Fascinante Patrine 1 07/01/1990 A God's Gift 神様の贈り物 Kamisama no Okurimono A enviada por Deus 2 14/01/1990 The Police Department's Shrewd Female Cop 警視庁の女敏腕刑事 Keishichō no Jobinwan Keiji A super policial feminina 3 21/01/1990 The Secret of the Prep School 進学塾の秘密 Shingakujuku no Himitsu A misteriosa escola particular 4 28/01/1990 Napoleon's Ghost ナポレオンの亡霊 Naporeon no Bōrei O espírito de Napoleão 5 04/02/1990 The Criminal Doctor Boo 犯罪者ドクター・ブー Hanzaisha Dokutā Bū Ofensa ao doutor 6 11/02/1990 The Correct and Clean Auntie Clippers 清く正しいバリカン婆々 Kiyoku Tadashii Barikan Baba O estranho barbeiro 7 18/02/1990 I'm Not an Idol アイドルじゃない… Aidoru ja Nai... Não sou ídolo 8 25/02/1990 A Deputy's Conspiracy ある代議士の陰謀 Aru Daigishi no Inbō O drama de um parlamentar 9 04/03/1990 The Rainbow Voiced Star 七色の声のスター Nanairo no Koe no Sutā A super voz 10 11/03/1990 Look for the Edison Band! エジソンバンドを探せ! Ejison Bando o Sagase! A faixa milagrosa 11 18/03/1990 The Fear of the Cotton Mill ザ・恐怖の紡績工場 Za Kyōfu no Bōseki Kōjō A fábrica clandestina de fiação 12 25/03/1990 The President's Son 大統領の息子 Daitōryō no Musuko O filho do presidente 13 01/04/1990 The Secret Counterfeit Mint 秘密のニセ札工場 Himitsu no Nise-Satsu Kōjō A indústria de dinheiro falso 14 08/04/1990 The Strange Calling Whistle 不思議な呼び笛 Fushigi na Yobi Fue O apito misterioso 15 15/04/1990 Dr. Are-You-Okay's Visit to Japan ダイジョーブ博士の来日 Daijōbu Hakase no Rainichi A volta do Dr. Johnny 16 22/04/1990 The Arai Family's Guardian Angel 新井家の守護霊 Arai-ka no Shugorei O protetor 17 29/04/1990 The Missing Koinobori 消えた鯉のぼり Kieta Koinobori O desparecimento da flâmula de carpas 18 06/05/1990 The Friendly Escaped Prisoner 優しい脱獄囚 Yasashii Datsugokushū O fugitivo 19 13/05/1990 The New Weapon of Tears 涙の新兵器 Namida no Shin Heiki A nova arma 20 20/05/1990 God's Music Box 神様のオルゴール Kamisama no Orugōru A caixa de música 21 27/05/1990 The Psychic Loves Being Haunted? 超能力者はお化けが好き? Chōnōryokusha wa Obake ga Suki? A super energia 22 03/06/1990 The Prince of Aparella アパレラ公国の王子 Aparera Kōkoku no Ōji O príncipe de Aparella 23 10/06/1990 Noriko's One Day as Inspector Honda ノリコの一日本田警部 Noriko no Ichi Nichi Honda-keibu Ataque aos restaurantes 24 17/06/1990 General Schmitt's Store シュミット将軍の店 Shumitto-shōgun no Mise A casa de pensamentos 25 24/06/1990 The Tempura Shop's Town Renewal てんぷら屋さんの町おこし Tenpura-yasan no Machiokoshi A misteriosa febre 26 01/07/1990 Give Me Back My Energy 私のエネルギーを返して Watashi no Enerugī o Kaeshite Devolva a minha energia! 27 08/07/1990 The Sad Ghost of the Bug Repellant 哀愁の幽霊蚊取り線香 Aishū no Yūrei Katorisenkō O defumador espanta-fantasma 28 15/07/1990 The Lover of Apollo's Warrior アポロの戦士の恋人 Aporon no Senshi no Koibito A namorada do guerreiro 29 29/07/1990 Diable's Ambition ディアブルの野望 Diaburu no Yabō A trama diabólica 30 05/08/1990 Diable's Ambition II ディアブルの野望II Diaburu no YabōII A trama diabólica II 31 12/08/1990 I Don't Like the Watermelon Seed Spitting Competition スイカ割り大会の恨み Suika-wari Taikai no Urami Concurso de racha melancia 32 19/08/1990 Study-Boy, the Thief of the Summer Break Homework 夏休みの宿題強盗・勉強くん Natsuyasumi no Shukudai Gōtō: Benkyō-kun Estudante assaltante 33 26/08/1990 Already Published? A Recollection of Scenes of Love 一挙公開?愛ある限り名場面集 Ikkyo Kōkai? Ai Aru Kagiri Meibamenshū Flashback 34 02/09/1990 The Respected Cutlet Bun 尊敬されたカツパン Sonkei-sareta Katsupan O sanduíche respeitado 35 09/09/1990 The Treasure of Princess Kaguya かぐや姫の宝 Kaguya-hime no Takara O tesouro da princesa 36 16/09/1990 The Mystery of the Higan Rider お彼岸ライダーの謎 Ohigan Raidā no Nazo A misteriosa motoqueira 37 23/09/1990 The Unhappy Prince's Crime ふしあわせ王子の犯罪 Fushiawase Ōji no Hanzai O crime de um infeliz 38 30/09/1990 I Am a Lethal Weapon ぼくはリーサルウェポン Boku wa Rīsaru Wepon A arma poderosa 39 07/10/1990 Inspector Honda's Plot 本田警部のある作戦 Honda-keibu no Aru Sakusen Operação prisão 40 14/10/1990 Professor Charm's Goods おまじない博士のグッズ Omajinai-hakase no Guzzu A benzedura 41 21/10/1990 A Sore Tooth Is Scary... 虫歯が恐い… Mushiba ga Kowai... Os dentes cariados 42 28/10/1990 A Windy Alien 風流な宇宙人 Fūryū na Uchū-jin O extraterrestre elegante 43 04/11/1990 The Love of Yoshitsune 愛しの義経さま Itoshi no Yoshitsune-sama O guerreiro amado 44 11/11/1990 Takuto's Graces タクトの甘え Takuto no Amae O manhoso 45 18/11/1990 Yamamoto Hates His Teacher Mom ヤマモトは教育ママが嫌い Yamamoto wa Kyōiku Mama ga Kirai A educação 46 25/11/1990 The Lie of the Winter Stars 冬の星座の嘘 Fuyu no Seiza no Uso A mentira 47 02/12/1990 Treasure of the Flower Spreading Man 花咲か爺さんの宝 Hanasakajiisan no Takara O tesouro 48 09/12/1990 Takuto's Love タクトの恋人 Takuto no Koibito A namoradinha 49 16/12/1990 The Mystery of the Mystery Club ミステリーサークルの謎 Misuterī Sākuru no Nazo O círculo misterioso 50 23/12/1990 The Christmas Tragedy クリスマスの悲劇 Kurisumasu no Higeki Tragédia no dia de Natal 51 30/12/1990 New Year's Eve Happiness 年末の納豆マン Nenmatsu no nattō man Fim de ano e o Natto-Man 大晦日の幸福 Ōmisoka no Kōfuku A felicidade na véspera de ano novo